Tuesday, 10 March 2015

How to Keyboard Typing Speed Increase

how iincrease keyboard typing
Keyboard Using Tips and Tricks Improve Typing Speed
If you have not done the typing course any college or university and you can’t  type 50 words per minute and If you do not know how running the keyboard buttons, Nothing to worry about keyboard typing speed. Today I pasted some tricks and techniques

Monday, 9 March 2015

How Computer Speed Increase and Better Performance

increase speed of computer
Increase Computer Speed
If your computer start up very slow and during working your computer give response waiting a long time then use simple computer tricks today i tell
you that simple computer tricks how can our computer speed increase then first of all go to the start up run

Sunday, 8 March 2015

How to Use Computer Basic Shortcut Keyboard Keys

basic keyboard shortcut keys
General Shortcut Keyboard Keys
Most common and important basic keyboard shortcut window keys list below, this shorcut keyboard keys supported over all microsoft windows. All keyboard shortcut keys used in any system program and software. In this century all people are connected

Friday, 6 March 2015

How To Hide Computer Folder And Personal Documents

hide computer folder
Computer files hide and unhidden
Today i tell you that computer trick how files, folder, images and any personal
documents hide or unhide on computer storage Drive . If you want hide your important files and personal data then

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