Tuesday, 15 September 2015

How Delete Computer Temporary Files Window XP

What mean of the Tmp file.

Tmp file mean (Temporarily)

How make tmp file.

Some software create additional file during working. If these file exist in system or suddenly raise quantity. The risk of that program

Friday, 11 September 2015

How to Uninstalled Any Kind Of Software Application and Games From Computer Memory

control penal of computer
Control Penal Image
I am telling you some trick and tips.This post more informative new user of computer please follow-up these instruction.

If you want to any  application, games, multimedia software which problem create in your working and you want to delete or remove from computer memory as below

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

How Remove Frets On Fire.exe Error is Window XP

Today i write a post computer error related i hope this post more informative for you.
when you used XP window and during working appeared error on screen. This error show in a little dialogue box which mention information on top that you send error report  to Microsoft

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Computer Run Command list

computer run feature
Run feature
Today i am pasted some most impotent Microsoft operating system run commands. You can direct quickly open applications on system. your work very short mostly people don't use window run feature and some people use this feature but they don't know

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